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padding, padding adhesive, chipboard inserting, taping, stripping, cover attaching, index tab cutting
Glue Book Binding Machine & Equipment SuppliersIf your "modern shop" doesn't have any Brackett equipment,
you are missing the opportunity to attract customers who currently
go to your competition for faster turn-around, or expanded capabilities.
The Solution ? ~ Brackett Automation !
For over a century we have been designing specialized glue book binding equipment and machines to automate operations in the workplace that when done by hand daily, can cost you hours of lost time and in turn, reduce profit
Still padding by hand with pad press and glue brush?
Say NO to the mess of your padding press !
With Padmaster or Circular Padder you can
save hours of brushing, clamping, drying and slitting.
Click to Visit
Our Video Center
See the ease of use and short learning curve of Brackett machines.
Together we can, cost effectively, automate and streamline
many of your post-press operations including:
chip-board inserting, taping, flat or back stripping, cover attaching,
re-binding, back-gluing and, of course automated padding.
Our NEW Table-Top Tab Cutter, lets you offer your customers:
Tab-cut product right from YOUR factory floor
on YOUR schedule.
Brackett, your Can Do ~ Will Do partner, has one goal:
to provide solutions to your post-press problems.
In doing so we can grow your business,
and improve your bottom line.
